Kingz Athlete Spotlight: Sergio Rios

 One of the most prolific Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu competitors in the Master 1 divisions today is none other than Kingz athlete Sergio “Pichilinga” Rios. If you think you’ve seen him at all the events… you have. He is everywhere. Gi? No problem. No-Gi? Absolutely.  womens gi pants

And he’s not just there to compete… he’s there to win. Not only did Sergio absolutely dominate his weight division during the 2020 and 2021 competition seasons, but he also snagged several open class championships as well.

Here’s a look at some of his more notable achievements:

    2020 IBJJF World Master – Gold Master 1 Medium-Heavy
    2021 IBJJF World Ranking – #2 Ranked Master 1 Black Belt in the Gi
    2021 AJP World Pro - #1 Ranked Master 1 Middleweight Black Belt
    2021 IBJJF World Master – Silver Master 1 Medium-Heavy, Bronze in Open Class
    2021 IBJJF World No-Gi – Double-gold Master 1 Medium-Heavy and Open Class
    2021 IBJJF Pan Championship – Double-gold Master 1 Medium-Heavy and Open Class
    2021 IBJJF Pan No-Gi – Gold Master 1 Medium-Heavy
    2021 IBJJF American National – Double-gold Master 1 Medium-Heavy and Open Class
    2021 IBJJF American National No-Gi – Gold Master 1 Medium-Heavy, Silver in Open Class 

Despite being an absolute beast on the mat, Sergio is one of the most humble guys in the sport. We caught up with him to learn more about who he is and his philosophy on life: 

How long have you been training, and how did you start?  

Há quanto tempo você treina e por que começou?

I have have been training for 18 years. I started training because of my old brother who started training first, and when he was a purple belt I started training with him.

Eu treino a 18 anos. Comecei a treinar por conta do meu irmao mais velho, ele ja treinava e era faixa quando me levou para treinar com ele.

What are your goals for the year?

Quais são suas metas para o ano?

My next goal is the IBJJF European next month, after that will be Pan IBJJF in April.

Meu proximo desafio vai ser o Europeu da IBJJF, depois vou lutar o Pan em Abril.
What has been your greatest accomplishment and why?

Qual foi sua maior realização e por quê?

It’s difficult to choose just one, but thinking now, I would say it was my last IBJJF when I won double-gold in the Master 1 division.

É difícil escolher um, mas pensando agora, posso dizer que foi o último IBJJF que só foi o grande peso e absoluto na categoria Master.
What do you want your legacy to be?

Qual você quer que seja o seu legado?

I hope to be remembered for showing good jiu jitsu during competitions.

Espero ser lembrado por mostrar um bom Jiu Jitsu nas competições.
Who is your role model and why?

Quem é o seu modelo e por quê?

My brother Junior and my first BJJ professor in Brazil Marcos. I have trained with them from white to black belt, so I always have looked up to them for how to be a good competitor and a good person.

Meu irmao Junior e meu professor no Brasil Marcos. Treinei com eles da faixa branca a faixa preta então sempre me espelhei neles a como ser um bom competidor e uma boa pessoa.
What is your favorite quote and why?

Qual é a sua citação favorita e por quê?

“There is no losing in jiu jitsu. You either win or you learn.” I like this quote because it’s true. I feel like I learn more when I lose than when I win.

“Voce nao perde no Jiu Jitsu. Ou voce ganha ou voce aprende.” Gosto desta frase porque é verdade. Sinto que aprendo mais quando perco de que quando ganho.
What advice do you give to those who look up to you?

Que conselho você dá para aqueles que se espelham em você?

Train hard with consistency and the good results will come.

Treine duro e com foco nos seus objetivos e os bons resultados virão.
What does being a Kingz sponsored athlete mean to you?

O que significa para você ser um atleta patrocinado pela Kingz?

It is very important for me. It means that my hard work is being seen. I am grateful to be part of the Kings team, and I’ll work hard to represent them in the best way.

É muito importante pra mim. Significa que meu trabalho duro está sendo visto. Sou agradecido por fazer parte do time Kingz e vou trabalhar duro para representar bem a empresa.

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