Kingz Athlete Spotlight: Erich Munis

 The 24-year-old Brazilian from Panorama, a small town in Sao Paulo state in Brazil, has been training jiu-jitsu since 2013, along with his two older brothers Anderson and Alex. Showing great promise, the boys earned a scholarship to train under Rodrigo Feijao at Clube Feijao. However, their big break came when Israel Bahiense from Dream Art recruited them. gi pants with pockets

That’s when Erich’s talent became recognized on the international jiu-jitsu circuit, with double-gold wins at the IBJJF World Championships, Pan Americans, Europeans and Brasileiros at purple belt in 2019, then another double-gold win at Europeans at brown belt in 2020. Then COVID hit.

Erich was awarded his black belt by Dream Art’s leaders, Isaque Bahiense and Gabriel Figueiró, in September 2020. When BJJ tournaments started back up, Erich picked up right where he left off. In 2021, he won the AJP Abu Dhabi World Pro, won his weight division at the IBJJF World Championships, and earned double-gold at the IBJJF Brasileiros. Just recently, he won double-gold at the 2022 IBJJF Pan American Championships.

We caught up with Erich to hear a little more about his story, his philosophy, and what his goals are for this year. Read on... 

How long have you been training and how did you start?

I have been training for over eight years. My brothers and I started because of our father. He always wanted his sons to be able to fight. He also trains.

What are your goals for the year?

God willing, this year I want to close out my division at the World Championships with my brother. I am also going for the Absolute division win as well.

What was your biggest accomplishment and why?

My biggest accomplishment in the sport has been trying to always send a message when I fight. I believe that titles will pass, but not your legacy. I live for a purpose, and it motivates me more than any titles.

What do you want your legacy to be?

My legacy is to spread the message of the gospel of Christ, so that people will come to know true love.

Who is your role model and why?

My role models will always be my sport family. But if I have to choose an athlete, I have always identified a lot with Keenan Cornelius.

What is your favorite quote and why?

My favorite quote is verse Matthew 5:45 in the Bible: “That ye may be the children of your Father which is in heaven: for he maketh his sun to rise on the evil and on the good, and sendeth rain on the just and on the unjust.”

What advice do you give to those who look up to you?

I would say: persist in your dream, but above that, always try to be a good example on and off the mat.

What does it mean to you to be a Kingz-sponsored athlete?

It means a lot. It was one of the brands that I felt most at home, I always valued. But above that, I also like the brand idea.

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